What are the top front-end development trends to follow for best yield?

The front-end of the website deals with the colours and designs of the webpage. It contains the content and images as well. It directly presents the whole appearance of the website in front of users directly. On the same side, designing and maintaining the website in front of users is quite a tough task. A front-end web app developer is always lookout for the trends that sharpen their skills and make their designing and coding much interactive among the users. Front-end web development trends change faster than they can be implemented. This makes challenging for developers to filter the best ones from the rest ones.

This blog is curated for the developers to uncover the knowledge of top front-end development trends that yield the best results. Here, we have listed some of the latest front-end development trends to help the developers and boost their development journey.

Power of JavaScript

JavaScript is the most powerful & popular programming language and it is getting stronger day by day. This programming language has gained much popularity among frond-end web developers.

There are much more development services that require JavaScript skills every day. JavaScript is the major and versatile language used to implement a variety of requirements.

JavaScript is gaining much popularity and the up-gradation in JavaScript has made it a ruling one among CSS and HTML languages.

Once, Blazer- one of its competitors have started gaining popularity and that uses C# for the app development that runs on browsers. Hence, app developers can opt for a variety of alternatives to JavaScript for the purpose of the client.

Great Gatsby

Single page apps make the web more powerful however there are some complexities like SEO friendliness and others. They are not SEO friendly and take much effort to crawl which is bad for online business.

To overcome this challenge, there is a unique solution- named Gatsby. Gatsby is a static generator of websites that support the development and optimization of PWAs.

It enhances the crawler visibility, security, and speed of the website. This is noted as the fasted developing framework of 2021.

Most Approached ReactJS

Talking about simplicity, speed, and minimal coding, ReactJS has compounded with all the qualities. On the basis of these major and many other qualities, ReactJS has been termed as the most approached framework in 2021 & 2022. If we talk about its popularity and credibility, the big famous giants like Facebook & Airbnb have used this framework to make their interface smooth.

Through its power-packed qualities, it offers the ability to create the best web apps with a higher user engagement rate. ReactJS has acquired 68 percent of usage.

On the other hand JavaScripts like AngularJS & Vue.js have also gained importance. The first one carries strong community support from Google, offers simple prototyping options, and has two-way data binding techniques. The second one provides a simple and swift user interface with reduced barriers.

Potential Jamstack

The blend of JavaScript, APIs, and markup makes Jamstack. In order to create secure, scalable, and cost-effective websites and apps, this blend is termed the most powerful package. We can say that this is the newest warrior added into the army that is projected to win the races in the world of web development.

Every day, more web developers and businesses use this newest and cost-efficient approach to create websites and apps. According to the State of Frontend 2021 survey, one-third of respondents have already built a Jamstack-based solution. As a result, it has recorded a widespread adoption in 2021.

Engaging Micro Frontends

In order to provide better bases, accessible projects, and various utilization, Micro-Frontend uses on priority. To deliver the concise coding patterns Micro Frontends is on the top.

The micro frontends adhere to a rule that is "division of labour" that bifurcates complex workloads into simple pieces. The individual micro frontends contain a one-of-a-kind speciality that collectively contributes toward end-to-end development.

If we talk about its usability and popularity, many of the organizations have adopted this architectural style in these years. For example- American Express, IKEA, Spotify, and Starbucks, to name a few.


To give an appealing appearance and interactive interface, websites, web apps need front-end development languages, technologies, and tools. And to build interactive websites and web apps, learning top and latest front-end development trends is more than required. Appearance, dynamic animations, response-time, user privacy, artificial intelligence chatbots, etc, can contribute to an interactive & appealing website design. Putting customer experience at the centre of the designs and aiming to provide them with an attractive yet efficient website, web developers need to remember the trends, tools, and technologies.

