How to build apps for folding smartphones? Key considerations & process

Foldable smartphones have become a hype in the mobile app development domain after Samsung announced its first folding device in 2019. Entrepreneurs who have their apps or are planning to build one want to learn more about how to build an app for a foldable smartphone. This article is what they need since we discuss the key takeaways that are different from than standard mobile app development process. Let us start digging into the topic and explaining every bit to you.

How foldable mobile app development is different?

In a standard app development process, Android or iOS app developers build apps for one screen. The screen does not fold and has a fixed screen ratio that developers have to focus upon. The case is the same with the designers since they have to focus on a flawless UI/UX design only for one screen that does not change its state. But folding phones are a bit different.

In folding smartphones, there can be three screen cases.

  • Unfolded screen or front screen with standard screen size.
  • Folded screen or inside screen with a tablet-size display
  • Half-open or laptop mode screen

Here are the key changes that differ foldable app development from standard app development:

  • Multi-window support: Since foldable smartphones are designed for productivity in tablet mode, you have to focus on Multi window feature.
  •  Flawless Screen Continuity: When you unfold a folding smartphone, the complete state of the screen is transferred from a single screen to unfolded tablet-sized screen. The app should not lose its state and must resize flawlessly in the larger size display. The same is vice versa.
  • Smooth resizable UI: The user experience must be smooth in foldable devices, and designers have to pay extra emphasis on the resizing capabilities of the app.

Now that we have gathered important information about what distinguishes a standard-size display from a folding smartphone, we can learn about the development part now.

Read Also: 
Mobile App Development for Foldable Smartphones- key Takeaways

How to build an app for folding smartphones?

Building an app for a foldable smartphone is quite similar to the development process for a standard smartphone. However, there are a few additional tasks to perform while building an app for foldable phones.

Discovery stage

The product discovery phase is a crucial and initial stage for every mobile app. Unlike every other app, you have to additionally take care of the key changes that we have mentioned above. If you choose a mobile app development company, they will understand your idea, technical requirements, and other essential components to present if your app idea will be successful or not.

Planning the UI/UX Design also falls in the discovery phase. Your service provider will build a prototype of the app to let you choose further what you want in your app. For a folding smartphone, you also have to make decisions on unfolded and half-folded screens.

Market research and analysis are helpful to understand the market and your target audience to further polish your idea.

UI/UX designing

The team of UI/US designers will work on your project and build the structure of your app. From buttons to animations, everything will be prepared by UI/UX designer team for your app. A rich, multi-window, flawless resizing experience is an additional focus area for a foldable smartphone that can be different from a standard mobile app designing process.

App development

Now when your design of the app is complete, your mobile app development company will add functioning to all the buttons, swipes, and animations. For example, swiping left must add an item to a card. The development team will integrate the function of swiping left. For a foldable smartphone, the integration of app state transfer from unfolded to the folded screen will be performed in this stage. Integration of the database and other key elements is also a part of the app development phase.

Launch and marketing

Now that your app is ready with a flawless design and back-end work, the developers or marketing team will make your app live on the app store or play store. However, you must adhere to play store and app store guidelines to successfully publish your app on the play store app store or both. Later, the marketing phase starts, where you build hype in the market and showcase how your solution is actively delivering a unique solution to a major problem in the market.

Ending words

The difference between building a standard mobile app and a folding smartphone is not huge. Yet, app continuity, resizing, and multi-support are the key elements to take care of while building an app for folding smartphones. Ensure that you Hire an excellent team of developers or mobile app development for your folding smartphone project.
